The engine head is one of the most important mechanical parts in the car, and it is located above the engine shaft. It has many important functions, and if it is damaged, it causes many problems and malfunctions for the car, which may reach the point of completely stopping it from running.

One of the important functions of the engine head is to close the engine cylinders tightly to obtain maximum pressure, and it also works to prevent engine oil or coolant from leaking into the cylinders. But as a result of the constant heating of the car engine, it is subject to rapid damage.

Among the signs that indicate damage to the engine head are:

high engine temperature, consumption of large quantities of engine oil, mixing of oil with water in the car, and the spread of the smell of burnt rubber in the cabin, in addition to gray smoke coming out of the exhaust.

There is a simple way to check the engine head for damage; just follow these steps:

1. Start the car and wait for two minutes after starting it only, so that the engine is still cold. While you are pressing the radiator hole with your hands, another person must be called to help in order to press the accelerator pedal six times in a row, and the engine must still be cold so as not to burn your hands due to the hot air or water coming out of the radiator.

2: Leave the engine running normally without pressing the accelerator pedal for a very short period of time.

3. Then remove your hands from the radiator hole.

If you find water coming out of the radiator hole, this means damage to the engine head.

If the water does not come out, this is good news because the engine head isn't damaged.